Gang Awareness and Prevention Project

The chief problem in any community plagued with criminal activity is not the punishment of the criminals, but the preventing of the young from becoming involved in crime and gang activity. In this workshop we present information that will impact and influence young minds in a very positive manner. By sharing this information, our objective is to leave a lasting impact and encourage today’s youth to accept their responsibilities as the next generation of empowered leaders and make a change in gang affected First Nations communities across the Country. This workshop is designed to help everyone in the community learn more about the Native Gang Movement, how they operate and what established organized crime groups they are connected to. People will also learn how the gang movement first formed in the ghettos in the United States and how crack cocaine was introduced to the ghettos and the projects in order to destroy the Black Nation. There is a similar gang pattern occurring in Native society today that reflects the same situation that occurred in the Black nation many years ago. Take a look at what is happening in your own community, gang signs spray-painted on buildings, IP, NS, AW, Bloods, Crips, Deuce, and others, take a look at the increasing rise in Cocaine and Crack Cocaine distribution in your community. We also expose the inner workings of a gang and the ensuing gang mentality that leads to extreme violence, abuse, neglect, and disrespect for self and for all human life. We talk about how gangs recruit and how the gangs have always used the young wannabes to do their dirty work. What gang members and gangster wannabes don’t seem to understand or in most cases just don’t care about is the fact they are now victimizing their own people. Included is a documentary video showing the true-life stories of hard core gang members, it is a very powerful presentation that shows the path to destruction that happens for young wannabes, gang members and their families. We take a look at the value of life as seen through the eyes of gang members, why people join gangs, how to say no to gang recruitment tactics, being smart enough to avoid falling for the lies and the empty promises. This is a very interactive session and involves role-plays and open discussion. Parents and youth alike have thanked our facilitators for showing them the hard cold realities of gang life and many youth not involved in gangs have thanked us for waking some of their relatives up that thought gang life was so glamorous.

For a detailed information package and to find out how you can bring The Gang Awareness and Prevention Program to your community please telephone 604 313-2896 or simply email us at