Crystal Methamphetamines: The Real Truth

Crystal Methamphetamine has been sweeping a path of destruction across Canada and its arrival into First Nations communities has been escalating at an alarming rate since 2004. It has ruined countless lives, destroyed individuals, ruined families and devastated communities. To meet the demand to educate youth, adults and professionals about the dangers of this drug, Lee Mason launched an extensive and comprehensive program to effectively combat and stop this deadly drug from spreading and wreaking even further destruction to the lives of individuals, their families and their communities. This workshop has been presented to 40 First Nations Communities in British Columbia alone thanks to the funding that was provided to The Young Warriors Network by The Provincial Government. Lee Mason is regarded by many health directors, health care professionals, RCMP and other law enforcement agencies; parents, teachers and thousands of students across the Country as one of Canada’s foremost experts at facilitating crystal methamphetamine awareness and prevention workshops. His vast knowledge and his gripping visual presentations combined with his printed handout materials are simply the best you will find anywhere. Lee has been facilitating this highly acclaimed workshop to youth, adults, parents, teachers, and a wide array of professionals in First Nations Communities, Metis Settlements and many other communities throughout the Provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec; so far Lee has facilitated this workshop to literally tens of thousands of people of all ages and all races and he looks forward to sharing his knowledge with your community as well. If you would like to find out more about this highly recommended program please contact us for a complete Crystal Methamphetamine and other dangerous drugs workshop information package.

Click here to see Crystal Meth Workshop Pics

To find out how to bring The Real Truth about Crystal Meth workshop to your community please telephone 604 313-2896 or simply email us at