The Awakening Workshops

The awakening workshops are facilitated by Ross McRae, also known by his Indian name as Fire Squirrel Chaser, the sessions consist of a wide variety of programs as listed below and you are encouraged to select the ones that are best suited for your community members.

Dream Interpretation: Dreams and their meanings is a wonderful workshop on how your dreams can improve your life by dealing with your past, present and future, it will also assist you in learning how you can communicate with the spirit world and receive information from them to deal with spiritual, emotional, physical, and social issues you may have.

The Rites of Passage: The rites of passage workshop will deal with some of the rituals on how native people honored their changes in life, it will teach you how society does it today in a negative way and the importance of going back to our traditional ways, so our young as well as our old can feel a sense of belonging and pride in our rich native cultural beliefs.

Auras and how to strengthen them: The auras and how to strengthen them is a unique workshop on how we can use our thinking, feelings and rituals to help us become self empowered. It also deals with the understanding of karma and how it affects you and the people around you. You will learn that everything that we do is about the energy transference between us and our outside environment and how we can use this energy for anger prevention and healing our bodies.

The Medicine Wheel: The medicine wheel is a workshop that teaches you what the elements are, and their meaning as well their purposes. It will also teach you how to better your life spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically by using the wheel. You will learn the history of other cultures that have used the wheel in the past and of different nations that have adopted the teachings of the wheel.

The Sweat Lodge: The sweat lodge workshop teaches you why and how we use the sacred sweat lodge to better our lives spiritually, physically, socially and emotionally, it will also guide you through the steps you take on building the lodge and the sweat lodge fire, as well as the purposes of the four sacred rounds.

Medicinal Plants, how and why we use them: The medicine plants and why we use them workshop, is a wonderful way of learning about the plants that mother earth has provided for us. It teaches us alternative healing methods in a traditional way, so that we may start healing ourselves spiritually, physically, mentally, and socially to improve our health, better our lives and hopefully better the world for all of humankind.

The Medicine Pouch: The medicine pouch workshop will provide participants with one of the many ways that we as native people protected ourselves. You will also learn how to make them and the purposes of the medicines that will be put into the pouches for your protection.

The Traditional Role of the Family: The traditional roles of the family workshop will teach participants the ways our children were raised in the past, present and the direction they’re going into the future. It will also teach you the roles we should play as Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles and all of the Community Members, so we can create a more positive and safer community for our children.

Prophecies: The prophecies workshop will teach participants about our past, present, and future mistakes we as members of the human race have committed to ourselves and to mother earth. We will talk about the teachings our Elders have received from the Creator in order for us to prepare for the earth changes that are in motion today, also how we as a collective of nations can work together in a positive way to build a better future for ourselves and for the generations to come by using the warnings that have been given to us in the prophecies.

Adult Children of Alcoholics: This informative workshop will open your eyes and heart to a new way of looking at the world and environment that you were raised in and, how we can change our future and future generations to come in a positive and healthy way. Participants will learn about the roles and the rules that we have played in our family from our generation to the next.

For further information and to find out how to bring The Awakening Workshop Series to your community please telephone 604 313-2896 or simply email us at