Grief and Loss Support Worker Training

This is a specialized in-community healing and training program that runs for five consecutive weeks and will provide grief and loss healing for as many as 90 community members. This program also includes a training component for as many as 30 community members. Those taking part in the training will have the opportunity to provide additional support in their community and may want to provide their services to other communities as well. Life-impacting issues strike across all age groups, this healing, training and empowerment series is designed to help all age groups and ultimately provide the community with a group of skilled grief and loss support workers from within the ranks of their own community members. We believe it is important that a community has the benefit of its own people to turn to in times of need or in the event of untimely deaths or other issues the community may face in the future. The complete program consists of one week of education and empowerment for community members of all ages; one week of grief and loss healing, one week of grief and loss support worker training and then two additional weeks of grief and loss healing sessions for community members. This is a very unique program, as you will see when you contact us for a complete and detailed information package.

For a detailed information package and to find out how to bring the Grief and Loss Healing and Support Worker Training to your community please telephone 604 313-2896 or simply email us at