Youth-worker and Youth Counselor Seminars

This seminar is designed to help counselors, caregivers, front line workers, parents, teachers, youth-workers, community health representatives and others learn valuable skills to help them better address the myriad of issues the youth of their communities face today including alcohol, drugs, relationship issues, suicide, violence, vandalism, lack of respect and the youth gang problems that are taking place in many communities today. This program is offered to help participants learn more about the underlying factors that play a predominant role in creating problems among youth and to help participants learn how to establish better working relationships with youth and what tools to use to reach this goal.

The youth-workers seminar is a five day informative, enlightening and very empowering experience for a maximum of 15 participants. The reason this seminar is limited to only 15 participants is this; a small group will have the opportunity to work very closely with the seminar facilitator and receive direct guidance regarding any particular problems the youth of their community may be experiencing. This entire seminar is presented in a circle of respect and dignity where all participants are encouraged to become actively involved in sharing their concerns about today’s youth. This seminar is restricted to a small group so each participant will have the opportunity of having their community concerns addressed in a proper and effective manner, thereby truly helping them become highly skilled youth program leaders within their community.

The focus of The Young Warriors Network is to provide communities with highly skilled professionals by developing those professionals from within the ranks of their own community members. We firmly believe communities have a better chance at empowering our younger generation out of the grip of substance abuse and the resultant addiction problems if we all make a concentrated effort toward assisting the front line workers, youth-workers and counselor’s in the communities by helping them to develop the specialized skills required when working with youth.

For a detailed information package and to find out about any upcoming Youth-worker Seminars in your area please telephone 604 313-2896 or simply email us at