Youth-worker Counselor Training Program

This program was designed to help youth-workers learn the skills to provide supportive counseling and healthy guidance to the young people they serve in the community. We firmly believe there is a better chance at guiding young people out of the grip of substance abuse and their resultant addiction problems if we make a concentrated effort toward assisting the youth-workers and counselors in the communities by helping them to develop the specialized skills required when working with youth. We have trained more than 200 youth counselors since 1995 and graduates of this training program are employed in various positions in treatment centers, community counseling programs, drug and alcohol awareness and prevention education programs, youth healing lodges, youth correctional facilities, high school counseling programs, and some operate their own businesses presenting workshops in communities and some work with The Young Warriors Network as specialty workshop facilitators and trainers. The youth counselor training program is twelve-weeks in duration and takes place two weeks per month over six consecutive months and includes the following education components: Counselor wellness, Introduction to chemical dependency counseling, Counseling youth with addictions, Individual counseling skills, Group facilitation skills, Family counseling skills, Crisis intervention/victimization, Suicide assessment, intervention and prevention skills, Grief and loss counseling skills (level one), Case management, Ethics and the law, Developing youth outreach teams, Healthy alternatives community programs, Youth safe house programming and management. If you work with young people in any capacity this is a program that will be of great benefit to you.

For a detailed information package and to find out how you can enroll in the Youth-worker Counselor Training Program please telephone 604 313-2896 or simply email us at